Progress report: December 2019

Progress report: December 2019

Tuesday, Dec 10, 2019 · 4 min read · 682 words


The release turned out to be quite successful and the final build was very stable. But there were a couple of points that came out as convenient as I thought, so the first big update is already here.


Detailed changelog


The biggest problem on the release is editing the shooting date and the lack of shooting time, and in this update both problems are fully fixed, as I think. Time is now added inside the “Shooting date” field, and editing is now done using convenient dialogs.

Another new feature that has long been developed for all my projects and is now being implemented in Graphie (at the beginning of next year and for other projects). This is an opportunity to check for updates and actually download them without the direct participation of Google Play.


I carried out a small redesign of the window with actions on images (which has not yet been fully completed, so that further changes are possible). This was done in order to intervene even more tools that will be added in the future.

In this update, a new theme for customization was added - “Electricity” (and yes, it is intentionally similar to the “Ocean” theme).


This month, testing of the new version of Castro - 3.4 began. It includes quite a few changes and corrections in the information set, as well as a new module - “Security”.


Testing has just begun and will continue next year and some new features are still in development. Expect more news in the future.

Detailed changelog (Beta)


This month, I worked most on the update for Skeet. Version 1.5 “Jessamine” is released today (December 10) and this update turned out to be many times more than I originally planned. But come on, first things first.

Skit | Skit Premium

Detailed changelog


In this update, I am starting to develop the concept of “Tools”, in fact it is similar to the same concept in Castro. I added two tools - “Simple backup” and “External .APK analyzer”. The second will be available only to Premium users. A simple backup allows you to create a list of applications and use it in the future to restore applications from Google Play. “Analyzer” allows you to select the APK file from external memory and get almost all of the same information as about installed applications.

Simple backup

While I was developing the idea of both tools, different ideas came to my mind how they can be improved, so in the next updates I will improve them.

I also added many other functions that you requested - copying information from information fields, randomizing the interface and even more settings.


The design was also noticeably updated in this update, since I finished creating a universal library for customizing the design - “Penza”. Thanks to this, all the icons became “two-tone”, as Graphie has, new themes for Premium users - “Rose” and “Serenity” were added.

Simplified design

I also decided to update the design of many windows to make it much easier and more understandable, although because of this the application lost a little in “interactivity”.


I have been working on troubleshooting for quite some time, but if I missed something, please write to me about it.